Yoga Brunch

Gratitude Yoga Presents….
Sunday Morning Yoga Brunch
Starting 24th March 2019
09.30 – 12 midday
18€ per person

​Ever said you’d like to go on a mini yoga retreat but can’t fit it into your schedule? Here’s your chance…

Fresh Baked Sourdough bread is just one of the delights of our Yoga Brunch

Whether you are taking your first steps to a healthier lifestyle or a keen yogi interested in a deeper experience there is everything to gain. Are you ready to make a positive change in a morning?

Surrender to an inspiring blend of Hatha yoga, deep relaxation and whole-foods, all in tranquil surroundings.

Discover wellbeing from the inside out and end up feeling blissfully rested, inspired and energised. All in a Sunday morning!

A delicious vegetarian brunch is prepared by Josie. All produce is fresh, and when available seasonal and home grown in our kitchen garden.

Your Sunday morning yoga brunch club has limited places.

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