Morning hike in Vouvant & Environs

I owe deep gratitude and thanks to Debs and Paul for their friendship and supporting me along this journey. How well are we equipped and what do we need to take with us on any journey? Solitude shows us what we should be; friendship shows us what we are and what we can achieve.

Today’s training walk covered some challenging paths but gave us many delights and laughs too. The weather was very kind too as we trod the path before us. Our pace was good with a combination of a faster pace, and meandering as we enjoyed the charm of the forest and somewhere in-between. This hike took us around Vouvant into the forests and along the river. We all agreed that we are truly blessed to have such beautiful countryside on our doorstep.

A gorilla, goat, donkey, and a gargoyle graced us today with lovely wild blooms along the path.

One thing I’m beginning to appreciate more at this slower pace is we miss the little things which give us such pleasure and joy, sounds, smells and colour, and the Billy bonus with life at this pace is they’re all free!

The following photos were taken by Paul Neal to whom I am most grateful for both his support and his artistic abilities, some lovely shots of our mornings walk.

I am walking the Camino route to honour the memories of my late father Robert Millar and our nephew Luke, you can donate in memory of Luke using the dedicated Camino memory page, don’t forget to giftaid if you can.


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