I’m Camino ready, bag is packed and has been repacked a couple of times! I’ve decided not to take two pairs of walking shoes. I’ve trained for my Camino with two pairs of shoes, which I alternated on training walks. After talking this through with Team Camino Deb’s and Paul we decided this was a luxury, and if I need them they will be posted out to me en Camino.
I’m a bag of mixed emotions today as I empty the fridge, put the bins out and generally put the house to slumber before my departure tomorrow from Poitiers station. The love, encouragement and support from family and friends has been phenomenal, the little talisman gifts they have given me to bring me luck and keep my spirits up whenever I’m feeling a bit weary are so appreciated.
I’m walking the Camino Francés in memory of our late Dad Bert and our beautiful nephew Luke. East Anglian Air Ambulance is the charity that I’m raising funds for. Again the generosity of family and friends has been overwhelming and I’ve yet to step a foot on the Camino.
I’m not too sure how I will sleep tonight hopefully get a good nights sleep then off on my big adventure. I’m looking forward to times for reflection and meeting fellow pilgrims along the path.
Buen Camino