It is independence day across the Atlantic, for me it was a day to put some more preparation in for my walk along the Camino.
Finding my pace! I’ve been thinking a lot about my walking pace and found today whilst I was on my own, I stopped to take plenty of photos. This affected my pace as I walked todays route. I had to stop powering through and focusing on pace because of the delightful interruptions along the way. Although my pace was slower both mentally and physically, I enjoyed it. I noticed more around me!

This area of the Deux Sevres is known as the Petit Alpes, the one piece of information that was not shown on the map my walk data was the elevation change – 168 Metres between the lowest and highest points on my route, quite a challenge especially as the landscape is undulating and I probably climbed more than 168 Metres in total.

I am blessed to live in beautiful countryside, not only do I have numerous route options on my doorstep but it is amazing how viewing the same countryside from differing points and elevations reveals totally different perspectives on the familiar.
Dodging cow pats and coming across a lone hare were a couple of highlights! Part of the walk today took me through narrow countryside lanes, where at one point I had to dodge the many cow pats and wondered what my reaction would have been if I had met the herd of cows walking this path.
As I turned right at the top of the lane and started the descent toward La Petit Chéne I came across a lone hare happily bounding down the road towards me. We had a moment looking at each other but this handsome fella hopped off into the hedgerow before I could introduce myself! Small pleasures which delight.
We never walk in silence! True! The rambling conversations we have in our heads, the sound of crows and bird song, there’s the wind and trees rustling and not forgetting the tractors and farming machinery. What I find very meditative is the sound of my feet and walking sticks as I walk rhythmically along.
What goes down must go up! Although today’s route was short it was challenging in a different way with all the undulations and hills giving me a good cardiovascular workout.

I know it took a long time this morning to convince my sorry ass to cross the threshold and walk the walk, but I’m glad i did as I feel good now!
I am walking the route to honour the memories of my late father Robert Millar and our nephew Luke, you can donate in memory of Luke using the dedicated Camino memory page, don’t forget to giftaid if you can.