Scarily dark this morning. Head torch on and I was off through the woods to Âgés. Lovely first stop for breakfast, coffee and the obligatory you know what.
The landscape is definitely changing, agricultural dry and arid. They were harvesting the sunflowers 🌻 today. Big combines growling as the munched there way through the fields and throwing up massive dust clouds.
Atapuerca looked very interesting with all its history and its famous for its UNESCO prehistoric archaeological sites. Looks like another town to revisit. 🤣
It’s definitely cooler today and there has been a strong wind for most of the day. Really refreshing but it’s letting me know different weather is afoot! As I walking into Burgos this afternoon I felt the first spots of rain for a fortnight.
A bit of a climb again today not too bad and yes I was still smiling. However part of the walk into Burgos is really awful around the airport. You are soon rewarded with a bit of a woodland then the most delightful promenade next to the river.
The entrance to Burgos old town is Santa Maria Arch leading you straight to the cathedral, it sits majestically and is absolutely stunning. Burgos is a lively and bright, lots to see and lots to do.
It’s raining, let’s hope and pray it stops for tomorrow’s rest day. Well I’m clean, hydrated fed and found the laundrette to wash my clothes in the morning. Averting another international incident on the Camino! 🤣
That’s me off to the pilgrims mass in the cathedral, very special indeed. TTFN 😘
Buen Camino 😘
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