Day29 O Cebreiro to Triacastela 22.7Km

Day 29. The clocks fell back and I had an extra hour in bed! Luxury! 

8 o’clock start this morning and it’s light, whoop 🙌 whoop 🙌. Stunning views this morning from the top of the mountain. At such heights, a wider perspective opened up. We see an infinity of landscape below, feel and hear the wind as we traversed around the side of the mountain? You couldn’t really appreciate this view last night as the weather had closed in!

A delightful forest track winds it’s way around the mountain before dropping down a little. We passed through a charming hamlet with a very pretty church, all the guide books recommend you take your time to explore these delightful churches, unfortunately majority of them are closed.

Slowly upwards we climbed to Alto de San Rogue, where a statue of a medical pilgrim watches over Galicia. Very windy on top of the mountain, that’s why he’s holding onto his hat! 

We passed through lots of little farming hamlet with livestock. The cobbled path has been worn down not only by pilgrims but by the cows who walk the path too. Highlight in every hamlet were the many tractors 🚜 on the Camino ranging from a yellow Renault to a white Lamborghini tractor. Lamborghini tractors who knew!

More stamps in our credentials as we stopped for refreshments. I’m on my 3rd credential! The weather closed in just like it does in the national parks at home and we hunkered down to walk the last 5K.

Steep descent into Triacastela, combination of rock, mud stones and slippery leaves. I’m not a big fan of walking down steep hills! I look a bugger as I very slowly crab like my way down and traverse where I can. I don’t know how fell runners do it! Any way I arrived safe and sound and was very happy to be checking into Casa Simon, where I’m staying for two nights.

Missed the only mass of the week, which was tonight at 6 o’clock. Church closed because the priest is unwell. Hey ho!

This is the last day I’ll be walking with the lovely Aimée from Colorado. I’ve planned a rest day in Triacastela tomorrow, and she will continue her path in the morning . Hopefully we’ll meet up again in Santiago on Sunday evening.

Buen Camino 😘 



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