Day 26! Foncebadón to Ponferrada should have been 26.9K actually 31.68K!
Biblical weather today it’s not stopped bloody raining! The wind has been relentless too! Unfortunately the Camino path was more like a quagmire, rivers flowing through the paths with gigantic puddles up to your calf depth!

We decided it would be safer to walk in a group today given the weather forecast. Myself Aimée and Alycia started our route up to Cruz de Ferro around 8.30. A lot later than usual because of the weather and the light.

I have to say I was underwhelmed with the Cruz. I’m not too sure what I was expecting. Certainly not a main road, a car park and the little church was closed! As custom I lay my rock down at the base of the cross and read Maya Angelou’s Still I Rice. Some reflection then we were back walking the Camino.

So, the road it is. Hard on the feet, the silver lining today was the views when the weather broke for a nano second were spectacular in the valleys.

The Scottish writer, Nan Shepherd loved walking after rainfall, noting the smell of trees releasing their perfume. I think she would have been hard pressed to smell anything after todays deluge!

We had a great lunch stop in Riego de Ambrós with drying out and steaming pilgrims. Home made meatballs salad and real chips, it was just fabulous.

Molinaseca was lovely and I would have loved to explore! Coming out of Molinaseca the sign said 7K to go. That hurt the three of us as we trudged along the path!

If I was walking for myself instead of raising money for EAAA #eastanglianairambulance I certainly would have got in a taxi to Ponferrada. It truly was one of the most horrible days walking I’ve ever experienced and at the end of the day I was totally spent.
Thank you all so much for all your kind donations, love and support and for the bucket loads of encouragement. I certainly needed it today! For an idea of the conditions check the video.
Early to bed for Josie! TTFN.
Buen Camino 😘
You can Donate Here!! – Your donations are adding up and make my efforts so much more meaningful, big thanks to the lovely Sophie C for her recent generous donation, the total so far is just under £1650!!. Please share my adventures on your social media with the hashtags above, I’m trying to raise as much as possible for a good cause.