Day22 – A Welcome Day of Rest in the wonderful city of León.

No blessings from priests today however I did share a bottle of wine with a retired priest in the hostel where I was staying. 

León is the capital of the province of León. Noted for its architecture, churches, cathedral and art. The Gothic 13th century Cathedral de León was spectacular. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much stained glass in one cathedral! 

The streets are lively and vibrant, full of colour lots of geraniums hanging over balconies. The buildings are a delight with all their different design and styles.

Lots to see and I would have loved to explore more. After washing my clothes I visited the Gaudí Museum, fabulous well worth a visit and for those of you who know me well will not be surprised I spent most of the morning there! A little wander around and a light lunch I then visited the cathedral. Wow, wow and wow again. I preferred Leon’s cathedral to the cathedral in Burgos. The light streaming through the stained glass, the exquisite carvings and who was who buried in the cathedral! 

Back at the Hostel Covent Garden we all cooked and ate supper there. There was just the five of us who were staying there, all girlies. A bit different from Saturday night where I shared a 6 bunk bed dorm with 5 young Spanish bucks celebrating on a stag do! Interesting and funny experience. 

I feel  good, todays rest has been good. Early start for Monday as I have a 30K plus day ahead of me. Night, night. 

Buen Camino 😘 

Buen Camino 😘 



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