Day17 Boadilla del Camino to Carrión de los Condes 27.19Km

Flat and long road, not winding but a very, very straight road. All of the day following the N120!

Dark and rainy start this morning, walking along the canal de Castille was beautiful , the sunshine eventually came out followed by the strong wind 💨 this afternoon. So strong my Apple Watch kept telling me I was in a too loud environment.🤪

It is my father in law Peter’s 91st birthday today, what a way to celebrate!


Beautiful pilgrims mass this evening, very sincere and touching. I’m fed and watered and ready for my bed. TTFN
Buen Camino 😘 



Please Donate Here!! – there were two new donations today, perilously close to £1500 raised so far. Please share my adventures on your social media, I’m trying to raise as much as possible for a good cause.

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