Sharing this lovely image which says it all!
Yoga for the body & soul
Sharing this lovely image which says it all!
I have really enjoyed running my zoom yoga sessions and have had great feedback already.
Perhaps the most rewarding feedback for me was from one Yogini who has noticed that shoulder pain that an Osteopath and Accupuncture were unable to resolve has markedly decreased as a result of her taking part in the Yoga sessions. She has noticed improved motility in her shoulder and improved strength.
I am looking forward to helping more of you benefit from Yoga.
Namaste, Josie
I couldn’t resist sharing this lovely image with you, we have 2 cats here at la Menanteliere, Ruby & Ada, however I have never seen either of them adopt a pose like this.
Short but sweet today, namaste Josie
Well my initial experiment in using Zoom to run Yoga sessions has been a lot easier than I was expecting. As anyone who knows me will vouch preparation is the key to success.
I have spent quite a bit of time getting things set up in the Gite here at la Ménantelière and also running through the structure and timings for the various sessions I am offering.
My first session had just two participants, the next just one however my third session had seven participants (you know who you are!). Feedback was unanimously positive and several of those who participated will be joining in for one or more of the upcoming sessions.
I would love to share my love of Yoga with you too, so please take a look at my Zoom Yoga Page and sign up for one or more of my sessions.
Namaste, Josie.
We are living in strange times where your health and safety are our primary concern. I decided to suspend regular Yoga sessions here at la Ménantelière in early March.
To avoid disappointing my regular Yoginis and to hopefully attract more of you I have started using technology to share my practise with you.
More information can be found on our Zoom Yoga page, wishing you and all those dear to you health and happiness, stay safe and observe the measures in force for our mutual protection, namaste Josie.